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Board of Selectmen Minutes unapproved 05/02/2011
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting: Monday, 2 May 2011

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 PM on Monday, 2 May 2011 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

1. Approval of Minutes: 11 April 2011           
Selectman Sibley moved to accept the minutes of 11 April 2011, and Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.   

2.  Communications
a. Letter to Sophia Harvey – Town Government Award
First Selectman Griswold reported that a letter has been sent to Sophia Harvey informing her that she is the recipient of the Old Lyme Town Government Award.  The Selectmen congratulated Ms. Harvey.

3.  Appointments – NONE

4.  Old Business
a. Automated Recycling Carts
First Selectman Griswold stated that the Recycling Carts have been delivered to Town residences.  If any resident has not received one, they should call the Town Hall.  Automated Single Stream Recycling will begin on May 2.  Pick up will be done on the same day of the week that it has been, but instead of weekly it will be done every other week.  The pick up schedule is posted on the Shoreline Sanitation website found at  A flyer was mailed to all residents with detailed information about the recycling process.  The Selectmen agreed that the flyer was nicely done.

b. Annual Town Budget Meeting – Monday 16 May 7:30 PM Middle School
1. FY 2012 Town Budget
First Selectmen Griswold reviewed the proposed FY Budget 2012. The Town Operating and Capital Budget will be $8,369 less than last year ($8,373,925).  The School Budget reflects a $566,759 increase, mainly due to the debt service.  Overall there will be a $558,390 increase in the Town Budget.  The Town's Capital budget is less than last year but First Selectman Griswold was pleased to report that the Town will not have to cut back on road repairs or the replacement of equipment. The recommendation from the Board of Finance calls for an increase of the mill rate from 18.6 to 18.8.  This represents a 1% change.  The Grand List grew slightly, about 0.5 percent.  The Town Budget Meeting will be on Monday, 16 May and the Chairman of the Board of Finance will make a presentation.

2. Ames Property – Open Space Purchase Recommendation
There will be a recommendation to purchase the Ames' Property (81 acres) using money from the Open Space Fund.  The total cost for the property is $810,000 with $405,000 to be paid at closing and the remainder to be paid over three years.  This purchase will not impact the Town’s operating budget, other than the annual $75,000 contributions to the Open Space Fund.  If this is approved by the Town, the purchase could take place by June 30. Diana Johnson will make the presentation at the Town Meeting.  

3. Household Hazardous Waste Agreement (10 Towns)
This agreement is a routine extension of the present ten year agreement with nine other towns.  There are 14 – 16 Hazardous Waste Collection Days per year which are free to Town residents.  This information is posted on the Town's Website.  In the near future, there will be a designated place at the Town Transfer Station where residents may drop off electronics.   There will be no charge for this either.

c. Duck River Culvert – Update
First Selectman Griswold reviewed the process for repairing the Duck River Culvert which runs under McCurdy Road near Johnny Cake Hill Road.  The CT DEP has given its approval to proceed and the Town is waiting for permission from the Army Corp of Engineers.  First Selectman Griswold will speak to the property owners on the four corners of the project in order to obtain temporary easements for the work.  Bid requests should go out soon and First Selectmen Griswold stated that this project should be completed for under $100,000.

d. Municipal Services Agreement – CRRA and Covanta
The Town is presently under a Municipal Services Agreement with CRRA.  The Selectmen need to make a decision by July 1, 2011 to either continue with CRRA or select another option.  The proposals from CRRA and Covanta will be reviewed by a member of the Board of Finance and the Finance Director, who will then make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.  The Board of Selectmen will make a recommendation to the Board of Finance and to a Special Town Meeting to secure Town approval.

e. Rogers Lake Dam – Engineering
The Town received a Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP)Grant in the amount of $229,750 to repair the Roger's Lake Dam.  This work should be done in the summer of 2012.  First Selectman Griswold stated that Nathan L. Jacobson and Associates from Chester is the engineering firm that has a contract with the Town for the engineering work, which first began in 2004.  The contract has not expired, but it would need to be updated with regard to wages and any new requirements.  Jacobson will overlay these cost changes over the original contract.  Work that the Town has already paid for will be accounted for. The original estimated cost was $60,270 for engineering costs: $38,500 for dam repairs, and $21,700 for the construction of a fishway exit structure.  The current estimate for engineering ranges between $65,000 and $76,000.  First Selectman Griswold stated that there is money in “carryover” that is available for the engineering costs.  It is also hoped that the STEAP money and money from the CT River Watershed Council will fund the costs of construction.

Selectman Sibley suggested a review of this project be included on the agenda of the Town Meeting on 16 May.

f. Four Mile River Marina – Landfill Material
First Selectman Griswold stated that approximately 1,270 yards of dredged material from the Four Mile River Marina had been deposited at the Town Landfill.  Permission was obtained from the CT DEP.  The Town was been compensated at a rate of $15 per cubic yard by the Marina.

g. Pesticide Awareness Committee – Update
The Committee is attempting to schedule a day when members may visit playing fields in Cheshire and Manchester, which have been using organic pesticides for some time.

h. Committee to Consider Water Resource Ordinance
First Selectman Griswold stated that four people have agreed to serve on this committee.  They are looking to gain one or two more members.  The committee will meet soon.

i. Special BOS Meeting with Beach Association Reps – Sat. 7 May 9:00 AM
First Selectman Griswold reported that Scott Boulanger, President of the Federation of Beaches, contacted him to say that 7 May is not a good date for the meeting.  The Selectmen reviewed possible dates.  First Selectmen Griswold will contact Mr. Boulanger to suggest the following dates:  Sunday, 15 May and Sunday, 22 May with a meeting time at 4:00 PM.

5. New Business
a. Town Clerk – Historic Preservation Grant Resolution for $3,500
Selectman Sibley moved that First Selectman Timothy Griswold execute and deliver on behalf of the Town of Old Lyme a contract with the Connecticut State Library for a Historic Documents Preservation Grant.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

6. Public Comment - NONE

7. Other Business
Selectwoman Reemsnyder asked First Selectman Griswold if he had sent a letter to our two State Representatives about the dredging request from the Harbor Management Commission.  First Selectman Griswold stated that it has been sent.

Regarding the upcoming meeting of the members of the Federation of Beaches and the Board of Selectmen, Selectman Sibley stated that the Federation of Beaches had presented a list of questions to the Selectmen in two different letters last year.  First Selectman Griswold will review said questions and have answers prepared for the meeting.  Selectman Sibley suggested that the Chairman of the Board of Finance be invited to this meeting as there will likely be questions asked about money matters.

The next Board of Selectmen's meeting will be held on Monday, 16 May at 4:00 PM in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Town Hall.

8.  Executive Session:  NONE

9. Adjournment
Selectwoman Reemsnyder moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 PM, and Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted, ~

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary